Thursday, September 18, 2008

More links

Yeah, I'm doing it again.
I decided to search for Space Odyssey references on the NASA Technical Report Server to see what came up. Then I decided to widen the search to other movies.
Here's 2001: A Space Odyssey
Here's Star Wars
Here's Alien
Here's Extra Terrestrial ('ET' got no results)
Here's Star Trek
Here's War of the Worlds (actually I search 'War Worlds', since the NTRS gave me everything with 'of' and 'the' in the title)
'Flash Gordon', 'Battlestar Galactica', and 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind' gave up nothing; and 'Buck Rogers' told me there is a guy called Roger Buck. De la Terre à la Lune seems to have caused a conniption. If the ISS falls from the sky, don't blame me.
It seems that the two most influential Sci-Fi things at NASA are Space Odyssey and Star Trek, which is probably because they concentrate on the techie stuff more than the others. Kubrick's obsession with accuracy means that Space Odyssey is the only movie that people have considered as literal inspiration, while the Trek references are mostly to guest appearances by the Cast, or the shuttle prototype being called Enterprise, which probably means the folks at NASA like Bill Shatner a whole lot. Star Wars gets little mention, considering it was once a Reagan administration policy. Papers on actual aliens only appear at the end of the searches for Alien and Extra Terrestrial which is a tad odd. This one paper called 'the Interstellar Conspiracy, keeps popping up, and with a title like that, who can resist?

And here's a photo of a planet orbiting another star (actually the researchers aren't sure if its a planet or a planet-like object, whatever that means).

Let me know if any of the links don't work.

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